"Excellent for focusing efforts, advising and motivating..."
- B. Lancaster, Dragonfly Solutions, Vallejo, CA

"...your process of coaching around an issue is very valuable—it certainly was for me!  I find myself thinking about the things we talked about and using phrases and ideas like a mantra.  I highly recommend that others seriously consider coaching when a issue is bigger than it should be.  And you do it so very well!  Thank you for your expertise, guidance, thoughts, encouragement... You are terrific!" 




Our Guarantee

All of our services are guaranteed- if you’re not satisfied, you don’t pay a dime.

We're committed to exceeding expectations so that you can truly succeed!


The Exceed & Succeed approach to coaching focuses on the development of these leadership competencies:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Personal Drive and Purpose
  • Managing Effective Teams
  • Building Relationships
  • Managing Diversity and Difference
  • Developing Others
  • Communicating Effectively
  • Managing Change
  • Solving Problems and Making Decisions
  • Managing Politics and Influencing Others
  • Taking Risks and Innovating
  • Setting Vision and Strategy
  • Managing Work

Our 4-step coaching process typically takes place over the phone and at your convenience. Each session typically lasts 45-60 minutes. Group coaching is also available.

The E&S 4-Step Coaching process looks like this:


(Our agenda)

  • Personal introductions
  • Expectations of coaching
  • Approaches
    and strategies
  • Identify longer-term goals and shorter-term objectives

This first week is about laying the groundwork for our coaching relationship. At the conclusion of the call, you will have a thorough understanding for how the calls will be conducted, what you can expect from your coaching, and what measurable outcomes we will adopt that reflect your specific objectives and goals. Your homework for the next week will include answering questions that will ask you to recall and reflect on certain life experiences.

  • Check-in
  • Review homework
  • Strategize how to best meet objective(s)
  • Explore obstacles
    Identify core issues

This week is when we formulate how you can best meet your coaching objectives…and move you closer to the goals we’ve identified.  You can expect it to be both very personal and very practical.  We’ll draw on the latest motivation research and coaching tools for moving you from where you are to where you desire to be.  Your homework for the upcoming week will include keeping a daily journal and reflecting on specific questions/experiences.

  • Check-in
  • Review homework
  • Evaluate progress towards objectives
  • Re-prioritize as needed
    Strategize final steps
You can expect this call to be a bit challenging!  This will be a session intended to provoke you to new ways of thinking through challenging your assumptions, exploring mental models, and generally striving for new frames of reference that you can adopt as you move closer to your vision of the future.
  • Check-in
  • Review homework
  • Evaluate progress
  • Plan for the future
This session will conclude the steps and coaching plan that we laid out- honest evaluation and critical feedback will be encouraged.  More importantly, we will use this time for strategizing your next steps and setting direction that will build on all that you’ve accomplished.  You can expect to finish this call supplied and motivated to continue on your self-improvement path… to continue to exceed and succeed!






Our "3-2-1 GO!" Package

Ask about our special discount on a comprehensive services package that really exceeds expectations! 

3=An on-site training workshop for your entire staff
2=A phone consulting session for your leadership team
1=One-on-one coaching for each key manager

Create LASTING change at all levels of your organization.