"Excellent for focusing efforts, advising and motivating..."
- B. Lancaster, Dragonfly Solutions, Vallejo, CA


The workshop titles listed here are suggestions for addressing the professional development needs of your organization and/or your people. 

  • Mix and match as you see fit, or consult with us to assist you in effectively building your training sessions. 

  • Each topic will customized to best meet your individual needs (no canned presentations!) and is appropriately presented to the experience level of your participants. 

  • Topics can be presented as full length workshops or shorter speaking engagements.
  • Rates and complete descriptions available - please contact us for more information.

  • All training and speaking engagements are fully guaranteed!  If you are not completely satisfied, any professional fees will be returned.


"Fantastic presenter."

"I LOVED this session-incredibly useful and applicable to the management relationship."

"An amazing facilitator."

"...really enjoyed the energy of the presenter and his interaction with the audience."

"Truly outstanding presentation that covered a lot of ground in a clear and concise way. Danny is very dynamic, funny, charismatic, and skilled."

"Excellent dynamic speaker."

Everything about you was very professional...very diligent...I really appreciated your respect and professional courtesy.   I appreciated from the first minute we spoke, that you "got it".  Your presentation and delivery skills were best-in-class. You were incredibly engaging-and really understood my employee population.
-- Gary Casey, HR Director, LifeLong Medical, Berkeley, CA


Our Guarantee

All of our services are guaranteed- if you’re not satisfied, you don’t pay a dime.

We're committed to exceeding expectations so that you can truly succeed!


The IQ of Emotional Intelligence
Accurately Reading and Relating to Others

Knowing Me, Knowing You
Assessing and Leveraging Myers-Briggs Personality Types

Carving Your Own Professional Path to Excellence

Lasting Impressions
Managing Your Professional Image

Personal and Professional Balance
Living Your Values and Managing Your Time

Skills, Talents, and Good Habits
Identifying and Developing Critical Competencies

Exceeding Expectations!
Driving Personal Success and Peak Performance

The 3 C’s of Effective Motivation
Managing Communication, Consensus, and Conflict

Stuck in Neutral
Breaking Free of Your “Immunity to Change”

The Communication Compass
Navigating Different Personality Temperaments

Happiness Is…
Leveraging the New Sciences of Positive Psychology
and Learned Optimism

The Genius of Creativity
Inspiring Everyday Innovation

Motley Crews and Funky Bunches
The Secrets of Group and Team Development

More Than a Gut Feeling
Interviewing and Hiring for the Best

The Dynamics of Difference
Managing Cultural and Personal Diversity

The Manager’s Role
Transitions, Boundaries, and Balance for Professionals

Managing UP
Influencing and Communicating Effectively With Your Manager

Learning Organizations
Incorporating the Disciplines of the World’s Best Workplaces

Leading Change
Driving Results, Support and Enthusiasm

Six Hats Thinking
Adding Value and Freeing Creativity in Meetings

Critical Conversations
Coaching and Giving Feedback

The Fertile Space Between Right and Wrong
Mediating and Resolving Conflict


We offer a powerful and personal 4-step coaching process that provides you with feedback, insight and guidance on achieving your full potential in your business and/or personal life.

We provide dynamic and interactive, professional learning experiences for groups and teams ranging in size from 3 to 300 tailored to your specific learning objectives. 

We work with you to establish measurable progress in developing your business, management team,
and employees to their fullest potential.






Our "3-2-1 GO!" Package

Ask about our special discount on a comprehensive services package that really exceeds expectations! 

3=An on-site training workshop for your entire staff
2=A phone consulting session for your leadership team
1=One-on-one coaching for each key manager

Create LASTING change at all levels of your organization.